The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier (2024)

Not all tanks in World of Tanks are created equal. Sure, they’re regularly split into classes and divided by roles – the reconnaissance function of light tanks versus the raw firepower of their heavier brethren – but, even accounting for differences in functionality, some have a tendency to dominate others.This guideprofiles thebest WOT tankslisted by their in-game tier group, from one up to nine.

We’ve optednot to include any ofthe game’s paid, premium tanks – not everyone will want tospend their hard-earned money into an improved tanking experience. This is one of the best free war games for a reason, and – thanks to (mostly) excellent balancing, many of the free tanks overpower their premium counterparts anyhow.

If you’re new to WoT, check out our FAQs at the end for an explanation of the different tiers, what makes the best tanks, and how to play them optimally.

These are the best tanks in World of Tanks:

  • Tier I – Leichttraktor
  • Tier II – Pz. II
  • Tier III – Cruiser III
  • Tier IV – P26/40
  • Tier V – T67
  • Tier VI – O-I
  • Tier VII – AMX 13 75
  • Tier VIII – T-44
  • Tier IX – Conqueror
  • Tier X – Object 430U

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Tier I – Leichttraktor

The best Tier 1 tank is the German Leichttraktor.


  • Brilliant at offense
  • Excellent, long range main gun


  • Weak side armor

Square, stocky, and a perennially popular choice, this light tank boasts the best stock gun of all Tier 1 vehicles. Mixed with comparatively superb penetration, rate-of-fire, and accuracy, its formidable offensive capabilities perfectly suit it to any new player desperate to charge headlong into the fray and carve up enemy ranks.

With the longest view range of any Tier I tank, and respectable speed, you’ll quickly traverse the battlefield and soon find yourself with an envious spot on the leaderboard.

But taking the Leichttraktor into battle isn’t all roses and fiery enemy husks. Thin and untangled side armor will leave you vulnerable to even the most average of enemy combatants. Look to quickly upgrade your engine and rely on speed to stay ahead of the pack, escaping from any pyrrhic firefights before they reach their conclusion, because you’ll likely be the heroic casualty.

Tier II – Pz. II

The best Tier 2 tank is the German Pz. II (Panzer II).


  • Amazingarmor penetration
  • Superior front armor


  • Low range and accuracy
  • Poor rear and side armor

There’s a reason you see so many German tanks plodding across the battlefields in early-tier games), the Pz.Kpfw. II has become something of a staple in the garages of new players.

Sporting thick front armor and reasonable maneuverability, its real draw is its highly penetrating auto-cannon, that easily outdoes all other main guns in its tier. Combined with fantastic upgrade potential – particularly in its suspension and engines – the Pz. II makes for an outright fun-filled tank that’s well-suited to most combat scenarios.

Like all Panzers, poor rear and side armor are its primary liability, so be careful to angle the tank accordingly, and, as usual, avoid facing enemies with superior armor head-on.

But do keep nice and close to them in firefights. Despite possessing high firepower, its cannon has poor range and accuracy, making sniping nearly impossible. Head straight into the fray, and rely on coordinated team engagements to get the most out of this all-rounder.

Tier III – Cruiser III

The best Tier 3 tank is the British Cruiser III.


  • Fantastic main gun damage


  • Weak armor all round
  • Not very maneuverable

This light British tank is the epitome of a glass cannon. Dealing huge damage, boasting a respectable 15 degrees gun depression, and consistently dishing out high penetration, it excels at quickly dispatching even the beefiest enemy tanks in its tier, and has become a familiar sight in competitive matches. Unfortunately, its paper-thin armor means seeing its burning husk has become something of an ordinary occurrence, too.

Despite improving upon the mobility of its previous model, the Cruiser III can’t match the speeds or turning rates of its peers. Mix in poor survivability, and you’ll find the Cruiser III struggles to get out of tight spots, unable to survive volleys of fire or make a speedy getaway.

So, prepare accordingly. Sit hull down in hilly terrain to leverage your high firepower and protect your feeble chassis, making good use of the tank’s gun depression to avoid unnecessary exposure. Played well, the Cruiser III is a force to be reckoned with.

Previously a Tier II tank, the Cruiser III was later bumped up a tier in an update by developer Wargaming. Far from struggling to match its new peers, it’s retained the same offensive capabilities. Focus on researching engine upgrades to counteract its naturally poor maneuverability, and then look to improve its radio so you can pick a strategic spot and hunker down well before the enemy’s advance.

Tier IV – P26/40

The best Tier 4 tank is the Italian P26/40.


  • Excellent HE shell penetration
  • Fast reload time


  • Low HP makes it vulnerable
  • Only average mobility

Although not a popular mid-tier choice, you’d do the P26/40 a disservice to dismiss it as yet another dull medium tank amongst a slew of alternatives. This Italian offering might not boast the combat balance of the German Pz.IV or the effective cannon of the US T6, but it excels where most other Tier IV tanks slump – penetrating enemy armor with high-damage HE (high explosive) shells.

To say the P26/40 packs a punch would be an understatement. It can swiftly destroy all other tanks at its level, with only a cursory glance at their spots of weak armor.

Combined with an exceptionally fast reload time, its damage per minute is nearly unmatched. Poor HP, unremarkable mobility, and sub-par range limit the tank’s versatility, but in terms of penetrating armor, there’s no comparison. Perhaps not the easiest pick for a new player, but by the time you’ve reached Tier IV, you should be able to identify moments of enemy folly, swiftly leaping upon them in a targeted attack.

Tier V – T67

The best Tier 5 tank is the American T67.


  • Fearsome main gun damage
  • Great speed and agility


  • Weak armor
  • Poor accuracy and range

Often labeled an overpowered kill-joy best suited to seal-clubbing spoilsports, the US T67 tank destroyer has received significant nerfs in the last couple of years, reining in some of its more overzealous advantages, but maintaining its primary combat potential.

A rapid rate of fire, quick acceleration, and the ability to maintain a high top speed across even the most undulating terrain make it perfect for performing hit-and-run sallies. Quickly flank the enemy, target their weak spots, and make a dashing escape before they’ve had time to recover.

Combined with a low profile and compact size, the T67 can be easily camouflaged – perfect for launching a surprise darting attack. And, like most tank-destroyers, its guns are to be feared. Its top-tier cannon, the 76mm M1A1, is particularly powerful, excelling in both damage and penetration.

Use the T67’s agility to your advantage. Poor accuracy will require you to get close and personal with hostiles, and a low HP pool allows heavy tanks to one-shot you into scraps. After several updates, its maximum ammo capacity is up from 45 shells to a mighty 125, so don’t worry about taking risky shots – your main priority will be to get in, and, crucially, out of the firefight quickly.

Tier VI – O-I

The best Tier 6 tank is the Japanese O-I.


  • Very high HP and armor
  • Great main gun choices


  • Low rate of fire
  • Low range

The tankiest of tanks, the O-I Japanese heavy tank leans into its heaviness. With a range of powerful guns, and some of the thickest armor among tier VI tanks, it looks like any child’s drawing of a typical tank: big, bulky, green, and covered in rivets.

Packing massive HP and a 150mm-thick front armor panel clear of weak spots, the O-I can take a beating – again, and again. Face multiple enemy tanks with ease, absorbing their shells consecutively before two-shotting them with your capital cannon.

A typical ‘derp gun’, it deals huge damage at a low rate of fire with limited range, requiring you to stay close to your target. Given your massive armor, that should be no problem at all.

A tall turret lets you shoot across the battlefield (although be careful not to expose yourself when parking), and be wary of your gun’s poor handling. Regardless, if you’re looking for a tank that’s heavy through and through, the O-I is for you.

Tier VII – AMX 13 75

The best Tier 7 tank is the French AMX 13 75.


  • Versatile for different roles
  • Autoloader gives high rate of fire


  • Low armor penetration
  • Limited gun depression and elevation

For those tankers keen to stay away from the frontlines of a skirmish, and prefer to delicately poise themselves on the borderlines of battle to provide essential suppressing fire in a single, timely push, the AMX 13 75 is a great choice. A French light tank that can switch combat roles on the fly, it makes for a mean scout early-game and an effective flanking support unit mid-battle.

With a four-round drum autoloader that boasts a speedy reload time, and a strikingly accurate main gun for a light tank, the AMX 13 75 can hold its own in battle, but won’t be the star of the show.

Look to finish off injured enemy tanks by moving to their rear or sides when they’re distracted by the bigger beasts on your team. And make good use of your fast reverse speed, ducking out of the melee when you’ve misjudged the enemy force.

Poor gun depression and elevation, alongside subpar penetration, and a noticeably low ammo count, means this tank will roll up an impressive death count. But it does make for a sharp thorn in the enemy’s side, as you harry and disrupt their advances. Best played in a well-coordinated team, your allies might not thank you for your efforts, but they’ll surely miss you when you’re gone.

Tier VIII – T-44

The best Tier 8 tank is the Soviet T-44.


  • Incredibly mobile flanker
  • Decent armor for its class


  • Low armor penetration
  • Needs heavy tank support

No Tier VIII tank is as adept at fast-paced flanking and agile gunplay than the T-44. This Soviet medium tank sports the best net mobility of all vehicles in its tier, perfect for performing a quick flanking maneuver to finish off, or distract, those enemies focused on your teams’ heavy hitters.

Reasonable armor makes for impressive defenses when angled properly, and your low profile lends itself to camouflaged assaults, supporting reliable offensive play. Poorly penetrating gun options are its downfall – especially when going toe to toe with the heavily armored powerhouses available at Tier VIII – so make sure to stick to a support role, and strike alongside your heftier teammates.

Tier IX – Conqueror

The best Tier 9 tank is the British Conqueror.


  • High damage and rate of fire
  • Extreme range and accuracy


  • Very slow moving
  • Vulnerable chassis

A bombastic name that appropriately reflects this British heavy tank’s fearsome damage and firepower, the Conqueror is a regular scourge of the battlefield. Its 120mm L1A1 main gun boasts high damage that can reasonably compete against the beefiest of the Tier X tanks, and its rapid rate of fire will let you sink in a couple of shots before your opponent has an opportunity to reload.

But it’s the Conqueror’s accuracy that made its name. Combined with a formidable view range, you can easily target enemies across the breadth of the map, and are certain to land a shot each time at mid distances.

Watch out for its weak chassis, which is likely to take serious damage even if angled, and don’t expect to move anywhere fast. Despite its high agility and turning speed, you’ll be plodding behind your teammates with a top speed of

These limitations restrict the Conqueror to a supporting role, so engage in direct assaults sparingly. Be eager to make the most of its powerful cannon, but do keep yourself alive for long enough to fire it. Its gun is its strongest asset – know how to use it.

Tier X – Object 430U

The best Tier 10 tank is the Soviet Object 430U.


  • Fearsome medium/heavy hybrid
  • Strong damage, armor, and mobility


  • Poor long range accuracy

The highest HP tank of the Soviets’ medium line, and a regular sight on the Tier X stage, the Object 430U excels for its flexibility. Bringing the optimized maneuverability, speed, and camouflage of a medium vehicle, alongside the extraordinary armor and firepower of a heavy tank, it draws solely from their strengths and dispenses with their shortcomings. There’s much to rave about and little to criticize.

With a 122mm gun dealing one of the best damage-per-shot rates in its tier, impressive reload speed, and generous accuracy given its size, its raw firepower is matched by its large HP and fantastic agility. Despite its reasonable acceleration, the Object 430U also boasts impressive, thick surrounding armor.

Sloping, front plate armor combined with a well-protected turret makes it tricky to immobilize or send running. Even its spaced side armor can impressively withstand all but HESH and HE shells, leaving its front caterpillar track the only obvious point of weakness.

Best of all, the Object 430U is a forgiving tank. Well-suited to close encounters and mid-distance firing (although sniping is out of the question) it can happily punch away at the enemy with little thought to angling or shell-choice, content in the knowledge that it’s likely dealing more damage, more accurately, and faster, than whatever faces it. Not difficult to play, and requiring little work to master, it’s a guaranteed tank-busting menace.

The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier (11)

World of Tanks FAQs

It’s all very well knowing our picks for the strongest tanks in every category, but before getting in the driver’s seat, there are some other things to know.

What are tiers in World of Tanks?

World of Tanks tiers are ranked categories of all the game’s playable tanks, numbered from one to ten (using roman numerals). Lower tiers contain mainly balanced light and medium tanks, with less armor and less offensive power, while higher tiers are where you’ll find more advanced and specialized medium and heavy tanks, equipped with thick armor, bigger guns, and more complex play styles.

When you first start playing, you’ll only have access to Tier I tanks – but as you play more battles and earn experience and in-game currency (Credits), you’ll be able to unlock more tanks and higher tiers via the tech tree for each of the game’s 11 playable nations. All Tier I tanks are easy to pick up, forgiving in their play, and fairly well-matched. If you know how to use your choice of tank, there’s a good chance you’ll come out on top.

The game’s matchmaking system means you’ll be placed in games with players in tanks of the same tier as yours (or the tier below, if they’re using a heavy tank). This helps ensure all the players in each battle are at around the same experience level.

In higher-tier World of Tanks matches, you’ll need to channel all of your tactical wits to keep your tank alive and kicking. Absent flocks of new players that carelessly roll across the map, wilfully exposing their flanks and, ever so generously, offering themselves as easy pickings to farm, the tactical prowess of your opponents at higher tiers likely calls for a little more thought on your part. At this point you no longer burst into the fray guns-blazing, but rather look to flank the enemy at every opportunity, keeping them on their toes.

The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier (12)

What makes these World of Tanks’ best tanks?

We’ve chosen the tanks above as the best in each tier mainly because they each have one or more gameplay advantages that make them the most competitive in a large variety of battle matchups – but also because they’re simply the tanks that have performed best in our experience. New tanks are coming out all the time, but these remain strong choices.

However, it’s important to remember that, because World of Tanks is such a skill-based multiplayer game, how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ a tank is depends much more on how effectively you play to its strengths, and mitigate its weaknesses, than it does on differences in in-game stat numbers.

In-game balance changes mean those statistics are regularly tweaked up or down by the developer, Wargaming – but the overall profile and play style of each tank, and your experience in making them work to your advantage. If that sounds daunting, it’s not! It just means you should find the tanks that match the ways you like to play, and get good with those. Our picks for the best tanks may not turn out to be the best ones for you – but they’re very strong picks to try out first in each tier.

The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier (13)

How to play the best tanks effectively

World of Tanks is a challenging and detailed game, and playing well is mostly a matter of practice and experimentation, especially when it comes to learning to work with the strongest and weakest aspects of your favorite tanks.

We can offer a few general pointers, though. These apply across all tanks at all tiers – but they’ll certainly make it easier for you to win games using our top tank choices above.

Position and angle your tank carefully

Winning in World of Tanks relies, more than almost anything else, on constantly remaining conscious and in control of both the position and the orientation of your tank. Mastering the movement controls is vital in any multiplayer game, but it’s especially crucial here because exposing your tank’s weaker armor areas to enemies can get you killed before you’ve even fired a shot.

Before going into battle, make yourself aware of where your thickest armor is (normally the front), as well as where its angled plates are – thick armor can withstand heavier hits, and angled plates make it more likely that shots will ricochet off your hull.

Armed with that knowledge, you can make sure you’re always pointing your best-defended angle directly at the enemy.

Fight at your optimum range

All main guns are not created equal – some tanks can snipe enemies across the map, while others can barely hit a barn door unless they’re within thirty feet of the target. Be mindful of the range and accuracy stats on your chosen main weapon, and the relevant upgrades on your crew – then make your game plan accordingly.

The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier (14)

Use your environment, and learn the maps

Like all warfare, victory in World of Tanks often comes down to commanders using the terrain to maximum advantage. Many WoT maps are quite large, with varied environments including built up and open areas, woods and vegetation, small hills and slopes.

Depending on the weight class and characteristics of your tank, some of those areas will be your ideal hunting grounds, while others are death traps to avoid. For example, slow-moving heavy tanks want to hide behind hard cover, lying in wait for juicy targets, making them deadly in cramped city streets.

By comparison, Light and Medium tanks – especially nippy tank destroyers – have speed and mobility on their side, but getting caught in confined areas makes them easy pickings. They’ll perform best in fast, flanking attacks across open ground, outpacing and outmaneuvering foes to get multiple shots in at their weaker side and rear armor.

When positioning for an attack, or moving up the map for an attack, always be aware of the most likely enemy positions, and use terrain to cover yourself wherever possible. If there are low hills, trees, or rock outcrops between you and where you want to be, put them between you and the enemy as you move.

Try to choose firing positions where you have a good sight line to enemy positions, but as much of your tank as possible is obscured by foliage or ground (this is where good gun depression and elevation stats can help, allowing you to keep most of your tank hidden on the back of a ridge, and angle just the tip of your turret and gun over the edge.)

The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier (15)

Work tactically with your team

Teamwork is always challenging in online matchmaking, where you don’t know your comrades, and often have no voice communication with them to strategize – but you can still make good decisions that’ll increase your chances of victory.

At its simplest and most important level, this means light, medium, and heavy tanks working together to get the job done. Winning teams tend to have heavy tanks for a core of defensive firepower, an element of light or medium tanks escorting them and taking out mobile threats, and other light and medium tanks and tank destroyers scouting ahead on the flanks to probe weaknesses and harry the enemy. If your team already has enough of one category, be a team player, and adapt your strategy to support one of the other roles.

If you’ve tried all these and want an action wargame with a different energy, have a gander at our guides to the best War Thunder tanks and War Thunder planes instead. Fans of war games should also read the list of the best tank games over on our sister site, PCGamesN.

The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier (2024)


The best tanks in World of Tanks, listed by tier? ›

Performance - WZ-111 model 5A is regarded as the best tier X heavy tank in the game, and so its win rate is a bit inflated. A deadly combination of speed, firepower, and armor makes this tank a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

What is the best Tier 4 tank in World of Tanks? ›

The Best Tier for Tier tech tree Vehicles in World of Tanks By global win rating
Tank nameMatilda
Global win percentage51,8%
Global WN8685
Best feature(s)Almost Godlike Armor, Great Penetration
3 more rows

What are the best Tier 10 tanks in WoT? ›

Performance - WZ-111 model 5A is regarded as the best tier X heavy tank in the game, and so its win rate is a bit inflated. A deadly combination of speed, firepower, and armor makes this tank a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

What is the fastest Tier 1 tank in World of Tanks? ›

With a forward speed of 46 km/h and a backward speed of 18 km/h, the M2 Light is the fastest Tier I tank in-game. It is also one of the largest, second only to the Cruiser II.

What is the strongest tank? ›

The top ten tanks today are the German KF51 Panther, the American Abrams M1A2, the Russian T-14 Armata, the Korean K2 Black Panther, the Chinese T-99, the German Leopard 2, the French Leclerc XL, the British Challenger 2, the Israeli Merkava V, and the Japanese Type-90.

What is the most accurate tank in World of Tanks? ›

The grille 15 is the most accurate tank in the game. Unless you're actually shooting the gun. : r/WorldofTanks.

What is the best Tier 1 tank? ›

Tier I – Leichttraktor

The best Tier 1 tank is the German Leichttraktor. Square, stocky, and a perennially popular choice, this light tank boasts the best stock gun of all Tier 1 vehicles.

Which tank class is the best? ›

  • S-Tier: Arcanist The absolute best class for dungeon Tanking is the Arcanist. ...
  • A-Tier: Dragonknight Dragonknights come in second due to their strong self-sustain and survival, which make them very beginner-friendly. ...
  • B-Tier: Sorcerer Sorcerer Tanks are a great third-place option.
Jun 11, 2024

What is the top ten main battle tank? ›

The list presented here is composed of the following tanks: Challenger 2 Streefighter, T-90MS, T-14 Armata for Russia, M1A2 SEP V3 for the U.S., the VT4 (MBT-3000) and Type 99 (ZTZ99) for China, the Leclerc XLR for France, the "Leoclerc" EMBT for France and Germany, the Leopard 2A7 for Germany , the Challenger 2 “Black ...

What is the number one tank in the world? ›

M1 Abrams
TypeMain battle tank
Place of originUnited States
Service history
In service1980–present
32 more rows

What is the second best tank in the world? ›

Ranking Criteria for the Best Tanks
  • Leopard 2A7A1: Germany's Armored Superiority.
  • M1A2 SEP Abrams: Unmatched Power in the United States.
  • K2 Black Panther: South Korea's Triumphant Leap.
  • Challenger 2: United Kingdom's Armored Might.
  • Armata: Russia's New Era of Armored Vehicles.
  • Merkava Mk.4: Israel's Advanced Armored Beast.
Jun 14, 2024

What is the best country to use in World of Tanks? ›

The Soviet tech tree is most renowned for their heavy tanks, as they possess both tough hides and powerful guns. However, their other vehicle classes are nothing to sneeze at either. Soviet vehicles are widely considered the most beginner-friendly nation as well due to their ease of use.

What is the most damaging tank in World of Tanks? ›

General Info. The FV215b 183 is arguably the 'most powerful' tank in World of Tanks Blitz (by damage, HESH penetration, and gun caliber). It doesn't have great armor, and the tank has the second slowest reload time, only beaten by the KV-2.


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.