PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (2025)

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PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (1) PoEVault

Gear Summary / TL;DR

These items strike a balance between power and cost-effectiveness. If you want to explore more options for Gear (both budget and high-end), and Flasks, or get more information on alternatives and speciality items, please ensure you read this page in its entirety.

If you are a newer player and crafting scares you, please check out this guide from Velyna as it goes over a lot of very important things and might be helpful to you: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/beginners-guide-to-crafting-and-upgrading-in-path-of-exile()

Item Slot Item Name
Head Rare PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (2) Pig-Faced Bascinet
Amulet Rare Onyx Amulet
Chest Skin of the Lords
Gloves PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (5) Haemophilia
Boots PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (6) Dragonscale Boots
Belt PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (7) Doryani's Invitation OR Rare Stygian Vise
Rings Rare Two-Stone Ring (Cold / Lightning Resistances) OR Amethyst Ring OR Mark of Submission
Weapon 1 The Poet's Pen
Shield Saffell's Frame


Skin of the Lords We need a Skin of the lords with the links: 3Red 1 Green 1 Blue. We mostly use this for the +2 levels and global defence modifier. That said, there are several strong notables we can acquire through using this armour. You can save a point by taking Resolute Technique or Call to Arms, you can enable Iron Will in the later stages of the build through the use of this armour and a vast number of other notables. The primary recommendation here is going to be Iron Will. That said, you should explore your options.

There are some notables that you should always avoid. I will list some of the most egregious I can think of, but I will probably forget some.
You must, under no circumstance, take the following Notables on your Skin:

  1. Zealoth’s Oath
  2. Ancestral Bond
  3. Blood Magic
  4. Supreme Ego
  5. Vaal Pact


A rare helmet with preferably an evasion/armour base, such as PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (15) Pig-Faced Bascinet is ideal here. Prioritise stats as follows:
  1. High Intelligence
  2. High Life
  3. Resistances (until capped)
  4. No influences as we want Eater/Exarch here later.

There are no important Helmet Enchants for this build, but the best one is Corrupting Fever deals 40% increased damage


Our ideal chest is Skin of the Lords. Now this chest can be a bit tricky, as its sockets cannot be modified through normal means.
We ideally want our chest to have the Iron Will keystone, 3 red, 2 blue and 1 green socket. We are more than happy to settle for 3 reds, 1 blue and 1 green as the sixth link is not at all important.


Armour/Evasion bases are preferable, such as PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (16) Dragonscale Boots. We can settle for a pure armour base however if the market shifts that way.
Prioritise stats as follows:

  1. Movementspeed
  2. Life
  3. Resistances (Until Capped)
  4. No Influence, this is important as we want Exarch/Eater here later.


Here we simply want PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (17) Haemophilia and there are not really any viable alternatives. Nothing that matters for us has a variable here, so just avoid getting corrupted ones and you’re good. You will want to give these 1 white socket, ideally on the blue socket, so that Kinetic Blast can be swapped for Frenzy on bosses later.


The Poet's Pen is our one and only real choice here. The only thing that rolls on this item that we care about, is the attack speed. Try to acquire one with 12%, but any poet’s pen is better than no poet’s pen. Until we can acquire our pen, a rare wand can and will be used. We do not want to invest much in this, but the following modifiers are valuable to us:
  1. Damage over Time Multiplier
  2. Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
  3. Level of all Spell Skills
  4. Level of all Physical Spell Skills
    Whatever you can get for cheap works, do NOT invest heavily in this as you will be replacing it with the aforementioned pen ASAP.


Saffell's Frame Is the go-to choice here. Several things roll here, and ideally, we want them all as high as possible.
I would advise focusing on spell block and elemental resistance, spell damage does not hurt either but it’s not hugely important.



Ideally, we want this slot to be a bank for damage over time modifiers, and attributes. Our primary reccomendation is Onyx Amulet.
Prioritise stats as follows:

  1. Damage over Time Multiplier
  2. Level of all Physical Skill Gems
  3. Level of all Spell Skill Gems
  4. Dexterity
  5. Resistances (Until Capped)

Any combination of these modifiers that help you reach attribute caps and grabs one or two of these damage mods is more than good enough early on.


Rare Two-Stone Ring or Rare Amethyst Ring are the primary reccomendations here. One of them will need to be Warlords Influenced to access the affix “curse enemies with vulnerability on the hit”. Until this is achieved, we run Mark of Submission with a Vulnerability Gem in it to automate our Vulnerability. Make this swap into double rare rings once you feel resistance pressure, or want to invest in chaos resistance.
Prioritise stats here as follows:

  1. Attributes (until needs are met)
  2. Life
  3. Resistances (until capped)
  4. Damage over Time Multiplier (This is a luxury affix and comes in when we have two rare rings. Achieved with Essence of Delirium)


PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (27) Doryani's Invitation of the physical variety is our recommended go-to here. It provides excellent resistance, decent physical damage and is usually not too expensive.
As this is essentially a Rustic Sash with resistances, you should check the price of a rustic with similar resistance modifiers and go for that if it is cheaper.


Standard Jewels

Standard Jewels are really powerful for this build and can get expensive. Getting two mods early on is generally extremely powerful, getting three mods later will be a very big upgrade. We recommend doing two damage mods on your early jewels and generally would recommend sticking to this philosophy and doing triple damage mods rather than life modifiers. This is a personal preference. Prioritise affixes as follows:

  1. Global Physical Damage over Time
  2. Physical Damage over Time Multiplier
  3. #% Increased Maximum Life
    #Minions deal #% increased Damage (this is only valuable once you have the thread of hope to allocate Spiritual Aid)

Special Jewels

Thread of hope

We want a Thread of Hope with a Very Large Ring size. We obviously want this with as low of a resistance penalty as possible, but exactly how much of a penalty you can handle is up to you and your gear.

Watcher’s Eye

Watcher's Eye Is a great item that offers a multitude of flexible options to many builds. This is no Exception. You can opt for more offensive modifiers if you wish, but we feel the mods we are going with here are overall the best options. You want the following:

  1. You take #% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while affected by Determination
  2. +#% to Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence

Glorious Vanity

We are looking for a Glorious Vanity in the name of Xibaqua. We only want to access the notable conversion with this jewel, we are not converting any mentionable nodes and such the seed on the jewel does not matter. Only the names.

Socketing such a jewel into your tree will convert the closest Keystone into a new Keystone, named Divine Flesh.
What this keystone does, is make it so all chaos damage bypasses our energy shield, and 50% our incoming elemental damage is instead taken as chaos damage. It also happens to give us +5 maximum chaos resistance, which is very handy.
It is very, very important that you do NOT enable this jewel in your build, until such a point as your elemental resistances are capped, your chaos resistance is capped and your chaos resistance is greater than your elemental resistance.
This can be confusing to newer players, but I’ve tried to keep it as simple as I could. Please stop by the discord if you have any further questions regarding this jewel.

PoEVault's Corrupting Fever Champion Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Trial of the Ancestors) (2025)


Does corrupting fever stack Poe? ›

While the buff is active, hitting enemies will inflict stacks of Corrupted Blood on them that deal physical damage over time, up to a maximum of 10 stacks.

How to get Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you on Jewel? ›

Corrupted blood can also be completely avoided by using a jewel with the corrupted implicit modifier Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you. A non-jewel Delve mod of the same mod text, can also be found in the Azurite Mine.

Is Corrupted Blood a curse poe? ›

Corrupted Blood is a debuff that inflicts physical damage over time to the affected target.

Is corrupted fever an ailment? ›

Corrupting Fever applies Corrupted Blood. Corrupted Blood is only a debuff, not an ailment, which is why the effect of Corrupted Blood does not depend the damage or damage type of the hit that inflicted it.

How much damage does Corrupted Blood do? ›

Spits corrupted blood, inflicting 350 Shadow damage every 2 sec. This has a chance to spread to nearby players. Spits corrupted blood, inflicting 350 Shadow damage every 2 sec.

How does bleed work in poe? ›

Bleeding, or bleed, is an ailment that deals physical damage over time to the affected target. Moving targets suffer increased bleeding damage. Only physical damage hits can inflict bleed. There are no sources of global chance to bleed or chance to bleed with spells.

How to modify corrupted items in Poe? ›

Modifying corrupted items

You can modify the socket color, number, and links of a corrupted item using the Crafting Bench at your Hideout, but it will cost additional Vaal Orbs equal to the number of currency items the recipe normally requires.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.