Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (2024)

A complete guide on Demonologist, including game mechanics and achievements.

Note: This guide is a work in progress and will be edited with any relevant new information or future updates.


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (1)Demonoligistis a real engine 5 horror game released in March of 2023. It is a very beautiful game and is extremely pleasing to the eyes. The lighting is eerie, and the atmosphere and ambiance is extremely well done and definitely sets the mood for making you uneasy from the start.

The gameplay can be compared to the likes of Phasmophobia as far as some of the equipment and how evidence is found. But unlike Phas, this game is rich in scary aspects that are very well done and they do a brilliant job at immersing the player. The equipment is far more than your “typical” equipment and have a very unique and steampunk type feel. You can also perform exorcisms in this game that are dependent on the map you have chosen to run.

My favorite part, is there are little hidden Easter eggs in the game that are fun to search for and explore. If you see words written throughout your safe house and in the maps, say them and see what happens.Just be prepared to scream, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

If you want more than just a ghost hunting simulator, this is it. It’s very early access though, so be aware that there are only a few maps, but hopefully they work on this game for many years to come.

This guide is currently a work in progress since Demonologist is very new. I will do my best to keep guide updated to reflect any future updates. If you find it helpful, it would mean a lot to me if you could show some love and give it a thumbs up!
Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (2)


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (3)This game is beautiful, as we’ve already established. You get to choose which safe house you can use when you are hosting the lobby.

The default safe house is a tiny house.Hint… check the bathtub 😉

You can purchase other safe house locations using theReal Estatemenu on the right side TV. There is a Pub (my personal favorite) and a large Lighthouse with a yard.

You can also use the right side TV toCustomize Safe Houseand purchase different items to add to your personal safe house, which shows to all players when you are the host, such as a kitty cat and a radio with lots of different music.


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (4)There is character customization in this game, but only as hairstyles and outfits are concerned. There is only 1 male and 1 female character to choose from.

(The female character skin can use some work since it looks like a male skin thrown onto a female mesh. Hopefully that gets upgraded in the future and maybe we will also get more inclusive appearances as well!)

As far as clothes, there are 4 categories. You need to purchase clothes from the right side TV in the safe house, since you start with only 1 outfit option. There are purchasable clothes inHead, Upper Body, Lower Body and Footwear.

You will then selectCharacter Customizationin the bottom right corner to change your outfit and details.


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (5)There are currently 3 different maps in the game, with a 4th one in the works. Some of these maps require you to be a specific level to unlock. The maps are…

Abandoned House, open at level 1.

Cyclone Street, which unlocks at level 3. Personally, this house feels easier than Abandoned House.

Hospital, unlocks at level 10. This is a larger map, but definitely worth the wait.

Kuresawa House, coming soon. No unlock level information as of yet.


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (6)EVIDENCE TOOLS

  • EMFreader is a device that detects electromagnetic fields caused by paranormal activity. Once you have gotten EMF 5, you have collected this evidence.
    Price: $1,100
  • ESGraises paranormal energy and will display the ghost on top of the device.
    Hold G and use middle mouse to rotate to place it.
    Price: $1,300
  • Easel Canvasallows the ghosts to paint images from their dimension directly onto the canvas.
    Hold G and use middle mouse to rotate to place it.
    Price: $1,300
  • Ecto Glassallows you to see ectoplasm left behind by the paranormal. Ectoplasm looks like white glowing spots on a surface. You can also view things that are invisible to the naked eye.
    Hold left click to look through it.
    (This item is needed for the exorcism objectives in Abandoned House and Cyclone St.)
    Price: $1,500
  • Spirit Boxlets you ask questions to the ghost and enables them to speak to you.
    Hold left click to speak into it.
    Price: $1,300
  • UV Lightcan show paranormal fingerprints on objects such as lightswitches and doors.
    Price: $800
  • Theromometeris used to measure the temperature of the room. You can also tell whether a room is freezing by seeing your own breath. Once you have gotten freezing, you have collected this evidence.
    Price: $1,200

Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (7)OTHER TOOLS

  • Flashlightlooks like a small curved pipe and allows you to see in dark places.
    Price: $600
  • Crucifixis a holy item that protects you from a single ghost hunt.
    Price: $2,000
  • Sanity Pillsrestore about 25 sanity and can also remove certain ghost curses.
    Price: $1,500
  • Candleprovides some light and helps you maintain your sanity. The ghost can also blow it out on their own if it is near them.
    Hold G to place it.
    (This item is needed for the exorcism objectives in Abandoned House.)
    Price: $600
  • Tripod Cameracan be used to monitor evidence safely from the tent.
    Hold G and use middle mouse to rotate to place it.
    Price: $1,600
  • Photo Cameraallows you to take photos.
    (This item is needed for the exorcism objectives in Abandoned House.)
    Price: $1,400


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (8)

You will set up your investigation in your safe house using all 3 screens.

  • The screen on the left is where you select the map.
  • The screen in the middle is where you select difficulty, ready up and can review your selected equipment.
  • The screen on the right is where you will purchase your tools and add it to your loadout.

Once you have started your investigation, you will then turn to the 3 screens inside the tent.

  • The screen on the left is where you will see the name of the entity and how it will respond to the spirit box. You will also see youroptional objectivesandexorcism requirements.
  • The screen in the middle is where you can see your camera if you have purchased and set up your tripod cameras.
  • The screen on the right is your sanity monitor.Keep in mind, you will still lose sanity in this game even if you do not enter the house!

So during your investigation, you need to be using your equipment to find the evidence. All ghosts will have a total of 3 evidences each. Be sure to mark those in your journal as you find them by hitting “J”.

You currentlycannot hidefrom the ghost, the only place you are technically safe is outside. If you are inside during a hunt, you can survive a hunt by using your crucifix or by running to the farthest location available from the ghost. If youdieduring the investigation, you will lose any equipment that you personally have added for the specific session. You won’t lose any inventory that you have purchased that didn’t get added to the equipment loadout.

Once you have found all 3 evidence, everyone in your investigation needs to lock in their choice of ghost. Once that’s done you have 2 options…

  • Everyone can head to the car and you can leave and collect that cash and exp!
  • If you’re feeling brave, you will proceed onto your optional objectives and finally the exorcism…

Speaking of exorcisms…


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (9)Each map has it’s own exorcism ritual. The exorcism is optonal but will give you the most amount of money.

Abandoned Houserequires you to have thecandle,ecto glassandphoto camera. The ghost needs to blow out a candle, you need to capture a photo and find the ghost silhouette. Only then can you find 5 fingers in the house and then burn them in the basem*nt.

Cyclone Streetrequires you to have theecto glass. For the first part you’ll need to find a digital time that will be on a wall somewhere in the house. Then, you need to input the time found on the arms of 3 old wall clocks found somewhere in the house.

Hospitalrequires you to collect 3 pieces of a shotgun from anywhere inside the hospital. All the pieces will be glowing and can be on the floor or on a surface. Once all 3 pieces are collected, you can go to the lobby desk, grab the gun and shoot the ghost to complete the exorcism.

Kuresawa Houseis not yet released.


There are 24 different ghost types, some of which you may be extremely familiar with due to other popular ghost hunting games, but don’t be fooled! Some of these ghosts may act entirely different than they are typically known to, so be sure to read their descriptions carefully. For instance, the Demon in Demonologist is a very calm and collected ghost.

  • AbaddonEMF 5 | Spirit Box | Freezing
    They go for targets that cannot defend themselves and will ignore you if you are holding a crucifix.
  • AgashEctoplasm | Fingerprints | Freezing
    It moves very fast in the cold and will slow down in warmer areas.
  • BoogeyEMF 5 | ESG | Spirit Box
    No data…
  • DemonEasel | Ectoplasm | Freezing
    A very calm ghost but is nearly impossible to stop you piss it off and it decides it wants to kill you.
  • DeogenESG | Ectoplasm | Fingerprints
    They are very aggressive when they hunt their target, but are less aggressive if their target is not nearby.
  • GoryoEMF 5 | ESG | Fingerprints
    It won’t interact with ESG if someone is nearby.
  • GuipoESG | Ectoplasm | Spirit Box
    No data…
  • GulFingerprints | Spirit Box | Freezing
    If gets extremely angry if you swear near it, and prefers when you don’t talk near it.
  • HantuEasel | Spirit Box | Freezing
    If you speak to it or if it speaks to you, there is a chance it will curse you. The only way to reverse the curse is through sanity pills.
  • IblisESG | Easel | Spirit Box
    It will say things to you other ghosts won’t. If it decides to hunt, it’s nearly impossible to escape because it knows where you are but it is much slower when it’s near it’s target.
  • JinnEMF 5 | ESG | Freezing
    Very active and prone to hunting.
  • MareEMF 5 | Easel | Freezing
    It likes to talk but is less active than other ghosts. It won’t hunt when someone is close to it.
  • MylingEcoplasm | Spirit Box | Freezing
    It loves fire and therefore fire has a soothing effect on it. It will put out fire before hunting.
  • NaamahESG | Easel | Ectoplasm
    No data… but it appears to possibly drain sanity.
  • OniEMG 5 | Fingerprints | Freezing
    Will quickly destroy the sanity of those near it and is very fast.
  • OnryoEMG 5 | Easel | Fingerprints
    These ghosts fall in love. They will never hurt the one they love, and will attack anyone close to them due to their jealousy.
  • PoltergeistESG | Fingerprints | Spirit Box
    They love to throw things, and can lower your sanity by doing so. They calm down with nothing left to throw.
  • RaijuESG | Ectoplasm | Freezing
    They prefer their targets to be alone, and are much more shy around large groups.
  • RevenantEasel | Fingerprints | Freezing
    An early hunter, your sanity doesn’t matter.
  • ShadeEasel | Ectoplasm | Spirit Box
    They hate the light and are much more aggressive in the dark. Keep the lights on!
  • ThayeEasel | Fingerprints | Spirit Box
    They age rapidly. They are much more aggressive when they are young and calm down when they age.
  • WraithEMF 5 | Ectoplasm | Fingerprints
    No data… but wraiths are fairly fast while hunting.
  • YokaiEMF 5 | Easel | Spirit Box
    No data… but it appears to be an average sanity hunter.
  • YureiEMG 5 | ESG | Ectoplasm
    I likes the drain the sanity off of groups of players. You are far more likely to get hunted in a group and it may weaken when alone.


  • EMF 5– Abaddon, Boogey, Goryo, Jinn, Mare, Oni, Onryo, Wraith, Yokai, Yurei
  • ESG– Boogey, Deogen, Goryo, Guipo, Iblis, Jinn, Naamah, Poltergeist, Raiju, Yurei
  • Easel– Demon, Hantu, Iblis, Mare, Naamah, Onryo, Revenant, Shade, Thaye, Yokai
  • Ectoplasm– Agash, Demon, Deogen, Guipo, Myling, Naamah, Raiju, Shade, Wraith, Yurei
  • Spirit Box– Abaddon, Boogey, Guipo, Gul, Hantu, Iblis, Myling, Poltergeist, Shade, Thaye, Yokai
  • Fingerprints– Agash, Deogen, Goryo, Gul, Oni, Onryo, Poltergeist, Revenant, Thaye, Wraith
  • Freezing– Abaddon, Agash, Demon, Gul, Hantu, Jinn, Mare, Myling, Oni, Raiju, Revenant


  • AbaddonEMF 5 | Spirit Box | Freezing
  • AgashEctoplasm | Fingerprints | Freezing
  • BoogeyEMF 5 | ESG | Spirit Box
  • DemonEasel | Ectoplasm | Freezing
  • DeogenESG | Ectoplasm | Fingerprints
  • GoryoEMF 5 | ESG | Fingerprints
  • GuipoESG | Ectoplasm | Spirit Box
  • GulFingerprints | Spirit Box | Freezing
  • HantuEasel | Spirit Box | Freezing
  • IblisESG | Easel | Spirit Box
  • JinnEMF 5 | ESG | Freezing
  • MareEMF 5 | Easel | Freezing
  • MylingEcoplasm | Spirit Box | Freezing
  • NaamahESG | Easel | Ectoplasm
  • OniEMG 5 | Fingerprints | Freezing
  • OnryoEMG 5 | Easel | Fingerprints
  • PoltergeistESG | Fingerprints | Spirit Box
  • RaijuESG | Ectoplasm | Freezing
  • RevenantEasel | Fingerprints | Freezing
  • ShadeEasel | Ectoplasm | Spirit Box
  • ThayeEasel | Fingerprints | Spirit Box
  • WraithEMF 5 | Ectoplasm | Fingerprints
  • YokaiEMF 5 | Easel | Spirit Box
  • YureiEMG 5 | ESG | Ectoplasm


Coming soon…


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (10)


Wanna play a game of tarot roulette?
The tarot cards are a paranormal card deck where each card represents a different energy. In Demonologist, it contain 10 cards, which allows 10 draws. The tarot cards can be found randomly across all 3 maps. If you’re playing in a group, it’s suggested to wait to draw the card just in case a player has died.
The cards are as follows:

  • Voidcan make an item disappear… as the name suggests.
  • Flame of Fatewill raise or lower sanity depending on the color it burns.
  • Moondrains your sanity.
  • Sunrestores your sanity.
  • The Devilincreases paranormal activity.
  • Aggressiveangers the ghost.
  • Deathcauses a hunt.
  • Slavelocks the ghost to it’s current room.
  • Guillotineinstantly kills the player who draws it.
  • Angelwill revive a dead teammate.(drawing this will grant an achievement)

Is anybody here? We would like to speak with you…
The ouija board can be used to ask questions to the ghost. This does come at a cost, since using the ouija board will drain your sanity so have pills on hand. Also, be careful with interacting with it too much or holding it too long, if you break the board, you will trigger a hunt. Always say“Goodbye”before putting down the board.
The currently known questions are as follows:

  • Where are you?(gives you ghost room location)
  • Are you here?
  • How old are you?

Don’t make me get the doll!
The voodoo doll is used to provoke activity in the ghost. To use it, pick it up, and one by one push the nails into the doll. Each nail will directly affect with the ghost, getting a reaction out of it. Just be careful, which nail that gets stabbed into the doll is random. If you stab theheart, you will trigger an instant hunt, so have a crucifix near.


Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (11)There are achievements in this game, for all you achievement hunters. Luckily, all of them are very straight forward and none are currently hidden. The hardest of the achievements is resurrecting a dead friend using the tarot cards.

Demonologist: 100% Guide (Game Mechanics and Achievements) - KosGames (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.